Ability to process keystrokes in a CMD script or command prompt. There is no direct way to capture keystrokes in the Windows Command Prompt (CMD) without resorting to an external script or tools, but here are some ways to get input from the keyboard:
You can use `set /p` to prompt the user for input and store that input in a variable.
@echo off
set /p userInput=Please enter something:
echo You entered: %userInput%
In this example, the script prompts the user for input and then returns the input.
2.) Using `choice` for easy menu selection
With the command `choice` the user can choose from a predefined selection.
@echo off
choice /c YN /m "Do you want to continue?"
if errorlevel 2 echo You chose NO .
if errorlevel 1 echo You chose YES .
In this case, the script displays a yes/no choice and responds to the user's input.
3.) Custom input processing with `for /f`
Another way to process input is to use `for /f` to process the input.
@echo off
echo Enter your name:
set /p name=
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ("%name%") do set userName=%%i
echo Hello, %userName%! Welcome .
4.) Keyboard input without confirmation (with `input` in PowerShell)
If you need more complex keyboard input, PowerShell can be used, which offers more features.
PowerShell example:
$name = Read-Host "Please enter your name"
Write-Host "Hello, $name!"
For CMD scripts, the first methods are usually sufficient, but for more complex scenarios like processing keystrokes in real time (e.g. without confirmation) it would be better to resort to PowerShell or external tools.
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To check if the input is a number, you can do a simple check using if and a regular expression RegEx in a batch script. However, there is no direct support
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The fastest way to run or start the command prompt in every Windows System, is via RUN-Dialog in Windows 11, 10, and MS Server. Please start via Keyboard-Shortcut
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