Check if input is a number in command prompt script!?
To check if the input is a number, you can do a simple check using if and a regular expression (RegEx) in a batch script. However, there is no direct support for regular expressions in CMD, but you can use the set /a statement to ensure that only valid numbers are processed.
@echo off
:: Prevents commands from being displayed in the terminal.
:: Defines the starting point of the loop.
chcp 65001 >nul
:: Sets the code page to UTF-8 and suppresses output.
echo Addition
echo Please enter the 2 numbers you want to add. Confirm each number with ENTER.:: Input of the first number
set /p num1=First number:
:: Prompts the user to enter the first number.
call :check_if_number %num1%
:: Calls the subroutine to check if the input is a valid number.
if errorlevel 1 (:: If the input is invalid, an error message is displayed.
echo Error: "%num1%" is not a valid number.
goto start
:: Returns to the starting point.):: Input of the second number
set /p num2=Second number:
:: Prompts the user to enter the second number.
call :check_if_number %num2%
:: Calls the subroutine again to check the second input.
if errorlevel 1 (:: If the second input is invalid, an error message is displayed.
echo Error: "%num2%" is not a valid number.
goto start
:: Returns to the starting point.)
echo %num1% + %num2%?
:: Displays the entered values and pauses to let the user confirm.:: Calculation of the sum
set /a Answer=%num1%+%num2%
:: Adds the two numbers and stores the result in the variable "Answer".
echo Result: %Answer%
:: Outputs the result.
:: Pauses to allow the user to view the result.
goto start
:: Returns to the starting point to perform another addition.
:: Marks the end of the program (currently unused).
echo Done!
exit /b
:: Exits the script.:: Subroutine to check if the input is a number
:: Begins the subroutine to validate numeric input.
echo %1 | findstr /r "^[0-9]" >nul
:: Checks if the input starts with a digit (regular expression).
if errorlevel 1 (:: If no number is found, the subroutine returns an error status.
exit /b 1)
exit /b 0:: Exits the subroutine with status 0 (success) if the input is valid.
2.) Summary
- Error Handling: The script ensures only valid numbers are processed.
- Subroutine: `:check_if_number` validates input to avoid errors in calculations.
- Loop: After each addition, the script restarts to allow continuous usage.
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