If the thumbnails or thumbnails are not displayed correctly in Windows 11 and 10 File Explorer, you must reset them.
Everyone probably knows how to activate / deactivate the Windows 11 / 10 File ExplorerThumbs this step is not always sufficient, especially if you like to use the File Explorer to compare / organize images, the thumbnails will be read correctly and new ones, the thumbnails, or also Thumbnails replace some use of complex graphics programs and are therefore very important.
1.) ... Refreshing the thumbnail in File Explorer!
2.) ... Why are wrong thumbnails displayed?
1.) Refreshing the thumbnail in File Explorer!
1. First you should deactivate the file explorer in Windows2. Then delete thumbnails in Windows Explorer
3. Activate again Now
I have already described the necessary:
►► Activate / deactivate File Explorer in Windows 11/10
►► Clear and reset the thumbnail cache in Windows!
Windows Explorer usually shows a preview of the files in a folder. On slow Windows computers it can be rare that the opening of folders is delayed. But that's a rare problem. This can be fixed with little effort by this tip on the thumbnails under Windows 10.
This makes working with File Explorer better!
2.) Why are wrong thumbnails displayed?
Opening folders with lots of pictures or videos results in delays in the display of the preview pictures due to faulty pictures and videos, as well as flooding of the thumbnails buffer.
These thumbnails can slow down Windows Explorer on any computer. The solution by switching off the thumbnail display and deleting the thumbnail is successful in most cases!
These thumbnails can slow down Windows Explorer on any computer. The solution by switching off the thumbnail display and deleting the thumbnail is successful in most cases!