Update on: 25 July 2024 Suitable for : Windows 12 & 11, Windows 10, 8.1, 7, ... , Server 2012-2025, 2022, x64, x32, x86
String List FontViewOK: Englisch
##=Englisch English
TranslatorName=Nenad Hrg
Contact= LastUpdated=29 Oct 2016
0=License 1=I accept the agreement 2=I do not accept the agreement 3=First start! Please accept the "End User License Agreement" !!! 4=Your text ABC abc 5=font like 6=Font type 7=Your text 8=Font Size 9=Be a Clone 10=Path 11=Font-Nr. 12=What is FontViewOK 13=Font 14=of
15=Contact 16=Coffee 17=Print Preview 18=From folder 19=Installed System Fonts 20=Refresh
21=Install 22=Put the selected as an image to the clipboard! 23=View
24=Exit 25=Info 26=Disable I-Net Tool-Bar 27=Print Pre&view .. 28=P&rint Setup... 29=Print 30=Print Left List 31=Print Right List
32=Background color 33=Font Color
34=Created with 35=Page 36=of 37=Printer setup? 38=Please Wait
40=Register without install 41=Open in Windows Explorer 42=Open the Windows/Fonts folderin Windows Explorer 43=Register all without install 45=Copy Path to Clipboard
46=Save selected as a image! 47=Show selected as a image in ms paint!
67=Program 68=No 69=Yes 70=Paths
77=Language 78=Donate
79=Run in admin mode 80=Font Reader 81=Font Explorer 83=Drawing vector font 84=Include subfolders 85=Delete
[Print] 140=Print 141=Page 142=Page(s) 143=Landscape 144=Page Setup 145=Printer Setup 146=Title 147=Fit to Page Width 148=Fit to Page Height 149=Preview Zoom 150=Aspect Ratio 151=There is no printer defined
[Install] 200=Language 201=Install 202=Uninstall 203=Auto Update 204=Desktop shortcut 205=Shortcut in the Start menu 206=Install for all user on this computer 207=Start with Windows 208=Folder 209=Cancel 210=... Change 211=Portable installation 212=... EULA
213=The folder can't be created in the location 214=Run as administrator? 215=An error occurred while creating the 216=You don't have administrative privileges\n#APP# must not be installed, for example, simply copy #APP#_Install.exe to the desktop, rename to #APP#.exe and GO. 217=The "%s" already exists. \n Overwrite existing file? 218=The directory "%s" already exists \n Overwrite directory and existing file? 219=The configuration file (INI) will be not overwritten! 220=Installing as administrator 221=Please close the program 222=File access error 223=Check the Windows 10 Defender folder protection or and your access rights!
[DIV] 240=Juhuuuu I found #AP#! 241= Hello,\r\n \r\n I found #AP# . \r\n \r\n .....................................\r\n \r\n website: #IN#\r\n download: http://www.softwareok.com/?Download=#AP#\r\n
242=Recommend #AP# 243=Send #AP# via e-mail 244=FAQ 245=History 246=Homepage
[INFO] 89=Info 90=The program creates a quick visual overview on all installed fonts and helps to compare the font. The deployment is so simple, a help file is not required.
91=Features: 92=-Quick overview and comparisons of all fonts. 93=-Printing with print preview function 94=-Changeable font size, style and color 95=-List all fonts from a specific folder 96=-Dual font preview for quick comparisons of fonts.
* Overview of all installed and not installed fonts on Windows 11, 10, ... OS!
# Images+ # Info+ # Thanks+