Under Windows 11, 10, ...and MS Server OS you can use the command prompt to quickly create user accounts via command line!In certain situations, you may need to create multiple user accounts on Windows that should be available on a Windows device. Or you want to test software under other user accounts with less access rights. Here is a simple method that works on all Windows operating systems. For this you need the required access rights, or an user account with administrative rights.
(Image-1) Create user accounts via command line! |
![]() |

2.) Remove unnecessary windows user accounts quickly!
With the simple parameter /delete in place of /add, you can immediately delete the incorrectly created user accounts. (... see Image-2)
Tip: If one of the users should only have guest access rights!
Add command 1 ("User-1" to the guest group)
net localgroup guests "user-1" /add
command 2 (remove" user-1 " from the default user group)
net localgroup user "user-1" /delete
(Image-2) quickly delete windows user accounts via command line! |
![]() |

See also:
►►► How do I list all users?
►►► How do I list files in all subdirectories?
These NET command commands are quite handy as they can be used on all operating systems such as Windows 11, 10 Pro, Enterprise, Home, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows-Server 2019, 2016, 2012, Windows 7 Basic, Professional, Starter, Ultimate this of course refers to Windows NT systems, certainly there are similarly powerful commands under Linux, Android and MAC OS, with which one can achieve the same.
3.) Quickly turn users into administrators!
Here is the example to make a user admin
/add is to add
/del while then to remove administrative rights
on the point group: Administrators can you use other groups too
►► User groups? Plain net localgroup command
C:\Windows\system32> net localgroup administrators "user-1" /add
The command ran successfully.
4.) Quickly change, delete, set password for the user!
User name and a simple * (asterisk) at the endIf necessary, confirm the password with [Enter] [Enter] to remove the password
►► User groups?
C:\Windows\system32> net user "user-1" *
Enter a password for the user:
Re-enter the password:
The command ran successfully.
P.S. Attention! The newly entered password is not displayed in the CMD, the text cursor always remains at the first position! By confirming the password, you will know whether you entered it correctly.
FAQ 28: Updated on: 26 August 2023 10:17