► Free writing Program or APP for Windows 10 and 11! ◄
► The cursor in text editors is too wide in Windows 10/11, why? ◄
► Creating a Security Center Shortcut on the Windows 11 or 10 Desktop! ◄
► How can I resize text, icons, and apps in Windows 10/11? ◄
► A shortcut on the Windows 11, 10, ... desktop for network adapters! ◄
► After Windows 10/11 Auto Update problems with FireFox browser, why? ◄
► The file system on a Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 7 PC! ◄
► Sleep Mode can be disabled directly in Windows 11 / 10! ◄
► Windows 10: Start Programs and Optional Features! ◄
► How to print as PDF in Windows 11, 10! ◄