Using the search box in the file explorer, you can find all your files and folders in one place and see if the search should be done in all subdirectories is also a freely adjustable option.
An example! Search eg filenames in the folder C:\Windows without subdirectories!
As you type the search box, a simple search, usually in all subfolders, starts through the search index with the text you type in the appropriate folder, if you want to search for file names without the contents of files and / or file properties.
Enter name: *.exe and just uncheck the "All subfolders" option in the "Search" tab!
The search then only displays file names in the current folder, see the search result in the file explorer.
(... see Image-1)
In this example, you learned how to customize the search options to search only the current folder in Windows 10 search results, with no subfolders and only file names, but only file names.
This PC search on this PC.
Current Folder: Search only in the selected folder and not in subfolders.
All subfolders: Search in the selected folder and all subfolders.
(Image-2) Subfolder-Current Folder-This-PC
If it is not about the search for file contents, but about file names, the Windows explorer is recommended. Although it uses the same index as the search function of Windows, it also offers you extensive options to narrow the search and thereby speed up. So you can search with the file manager specifically in a specific folder or a branch of the tree structure of the file system. In the first step, you therefore open the directory in which you suspect the desired file (s). The search includes by default also the subdirectories. In the next step, click in the search box at the top right. A new ribbon called "Search" appears
Quite simply you can adjust the search fields width in the File Explorer on Windows 11 ,10 and 8.1 Hold the mouse over the area marked here see Image-1
It is easy to activate the libraries in File Explorer and see them in all new Windows 11 / 10 OS Info: Libraries were introduced in Windows 11/10 and have
If the MS Windows 11 and 10 File Explorer does not remember the selected objects when navigating, this is quite normal There is currently no solution for
Only search windows explorer without any underlying folder ?
File explorere current folder vs subfolder?
In a directory with many subdirectories, I want to search for certain file types, but I search in the Explorer search field, then I get all files with subdirectories displayed, wonder if the search can be started without the results of the subdirectories?
Search subdirectories in windows 10 and Windows 11?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 don't search subfolders?
In the search result I do not want the file to appear, especially all files in the subfolders, have no suitable result. Where is the switch for the search result without all subfolders?
Search no subfolders?
Search problem keyword folder, do not search subdirectories, because the subdirectories cannot be found and searched, so find all files on the main folder YES, in the subfolders NO option, I want to exclude the files that are in subfolders, how do I solve them the search problem?
Do not search in sub-folders ?
File explorer search subfolders?
Win 10 and Windows 11 file manager search in subdirectories ?
Search in the file folder Windows 10 and Windows 11 ?
Find without subdirectories?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search not subfolders?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 file exploerer search not subfolders?
Search in Windows Explorer, only in the current folder ?
Windows search function Current subfolder s ?
Windows search don't search subfolders?
Exclude file types and search in compressed files?
Find folder explorer ?
Fast search current folder windows 10 and Windows 11?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 explorer search for files in current folder only?
Search without subfolder ?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 file explorer search options subfolders?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search in folder only current folder ?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 per search function Explorer current folder ?
File explorer windows 10 and Windows 11 subfolders search ?
Using folder: command can i search subfolders windows 10 and Windows 11?
Windows Explorer does not search recursively ?
Search subfolder windows 10 and Windows 11?
Search Explorer with subfolder ?
Windows Explorer show subfolder ?
How do I search in File Explorer without including the subdirectory on Windows 10 and Windows 11?
Search subfolders in explorer?
Windows search subfolders?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search current folder only?
Search subdirectorys file explorer?
I want to search for files but without including the subfolders, is that even possible on Windows 10 and Windows 11?
Find help for Explorer in Windows 10 and Windows 11 in sub-folders ?
Windows explorer serach folders and subfolders?
Windows Explorer start search automatically ?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 Explorer search current folder ?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search subfolder magnifying glass ?
Get help with file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11 search subfolders?
Win 10 and Windows 11 search only in the current folder ?
Windows search in subfolder ?
Search subdirectories windows 10 and Windows 11 to report?
Windows Explorer search all folders ?
Is there an option to search without subfolders on Windows?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search sub folders?
Show subfolder in Explorer ?
Prevent windows explorer from searching subfolders?
Window s10 and Windows 11 how to search files including subfolders?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search without enter ?
Windows search current folder?
Search subfolders windows 10 and Windows 11?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 do not search subfolders ?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search for filename folder subfolder ?
Sub-folders deep search windows 10 and Windows 11?
Windows explorer find files don't search subdirectories?
Explorer in Windows 10 and Windows 11 only search for folder ?
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