The search field in File Explorer is too small (narrow, away) Windows 11/10?
Quite simply you can adjust the search fields width in the File Explorer on Windows 11 ,10 and 8.1!
Hold the mouse over the area marked here (... see Image-1) , after that the mouse cursor changes to Horizontal Move. And just change the width of the search box (... see Image-2) according to personal needs. But even if the text in the search field is not completely visible, the search is still performed correctly with the you specified search parameters.
In Windows 10, the search functions in the search box to find files are quite extensive . A search for words and strings in files and documents can also be found. Simply enter the search term in the search field of the Explorer. No matter what width the search field has. The corresponding folder in the Explorer is searched at the same time, or immediately after entering a search query.
Under MS Windows 10 it is easy to start the search with and without subfolders in File Explorer Tipp ► with and without subfolders in Windows 11 Explorer
It is easy to activate the libraries in File Explorer and see them in all new Windows 11 / 10 OS Info: Libraries were introduced in Windows 11/10 and have
The solution is very easy to deactivate the automatic search when entering a key in Explorer on MS Windows 10 If you do not want to run the search permanently
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Windows explorer search box?
Windows explorer search bar too small?
Windows explorer opening narrow?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 file explorer search box small?
Windows exploere seracch box to small?
File explorer search bar is small?
Windows explorer search box too small?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search bar tiny?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search box too small?
Windows explorer search box small?
File explorer search to big?
Small search area file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11?
Windows explorer search bar become very small?
In windows how to expand search box in files?
Windows explorer extend search window?
Win10 and Windows 11 file exploerer search bar small?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 file explorer search box width?
Get help with file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11 expand search box?
I need to enlarge the search field in Windows Explorer, the search works on Windows 10 and Windows 11 but should it be a little wider?
Why did explorer searchs become small?
Ssearch box is too small?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 file manager search box is too small?
Small search bar file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11?
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Hello, how can I broaden the search field in File Explorer, it is a problem on the tablet, much too small to work with?
Minimize search bar file explorer?
Explorer windows 10 and Windows 11 search box too small?
File explorer search box?
File explorer search box small?
Get help with file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11 search bar small?
Search box in windows explorer tiny?
File explorer search too small?
Search box is too small on filre manager?
File explorer reduce search box?
Search bar in explorer too small?
Folder search bar too small windows 10 and Windows 11?
Smaller contra search field?
File explorer search bar too small?
Make search box larger in file explorer?
Explorer search bar too small to read?
Get help with file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11 make search box larger?
Search box too small in file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11?
Search box too small?
Increase size of search box?
Windows explorer search box too big?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search box font too small?
W10 and Windows 11 file explorer search box too small?
Search field in file explorer in windows 10 and Windows 11 too small?
When i try to do a search in my file explorer, what i type in the search bar is too small to see?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search box too small cannot type text, why my search bar in file explorer is small?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 explorer make search box bigger?
Windows explorer search box tiny?
Windows search box too small?
Search field in Explorer too small, someone is already familiar with it, how can you make the search field in Explorer wider or larger, I don't see all the letters in the line because the field is too narrow, if there is a trick someone can search the field make it wider so that the size of the search field is easier to read?
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Windows explorer search small?
Windows file explorer search box small?
File explorer search box too narrow?
Windows explorer is too small?
Why is my search small?
Windows FIle Explorer Search box tiny?
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Search bar in file explorer too small?
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Explorer search in windows 10 and Windows 11 is small?
Widnows 10 and Windows 11 file searh bar too tiny?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 file explorer search box to small?
Windows 10 and Windows 11 search box in file explorer is too small?
Search box too small windows explorer?
I like to search for file names and file contents in Windows Explorer, but the search function has a too small search field, can I broaden it a bit without restricting the search?
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Why is my search bar in file explorer so small?
File explorer search box too small?
Windows10 and Windows 11 folder search bar too small?
In the file manager I am looking for a specific one with the advanced filter functions for this search, but the field is clearly too short. Can I make it longer for the search?
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Search box in file explorer is small?
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File explorer search is too small in windows 10 and Windows 11?
Win 10 and Windows 11 explorer file small searchbar?
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