Yes, you can use command line to save or load the desktop icons layout directly from a file! From DesktopOK 1.57 an higher.1.) ... The examples to load / save the icon layouts via program parameters!
(Image-1) Save the desktop icons layout on all Windows OS! |
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You can save the desktop icons layout not only in Windows 10, you can also save the desktop icons on Windows Server 2016 and 2012.
Info: Windows allocates on many computers the desktop icons without asking and randomly reat. Especially on large screens and with many neatly arranged desktop icons that is pretty annoying. But fortunately there is a remedy. Here are the solution to keep the icons in the right place.
The problem with the unwanted rearrangement of the desktop icons has been known for many versions of Windows . Whether XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 10 . Tumbling Desktop Icons are almost as old as Windows. It's amazing that Microsoft still has not found a reliable solution for it. After all, the desktop is the most widely used Windows component.
It's easy to save or load the icons layout directly from the command line or cmd. The solution is not only written as a instruction for Windows 10, you can use this example to create via CMD command line to save the icon positions on the desktop via cmd as a solution even on earlier versions of Microsoft's Windows operating systems, whether it is a Windows desktop computer, tablet PC, Surface Pro and Go, or even a server operating system, it has been tested and successfully verified at all .
It's easy to save or load the icons layout directly from the command line or cmd. The solution is not only written as a instruction for Windows 10, you can use this example to create via CMD command line to save the icon positions on the desktop via cmd as a solution even on earlier versions of Microsoft's Windows operating systems, whether it is a Windows desktop computer, tablet PC, Surface Pro and Go, or even a server operating system, it has been tested and successfully verified at all .

2.) With taskkill / F / IM the save process named "» DesktopOK_Exit «" does not take place!
User request:
If I exit the DesktopOK program with a mouse click, it will save an icon according to my program settings with the name "» DesktopOK_Exit «". I would have liked to have done exactly the same thing with a batch command line. If I use the command in the batch:
"taskkill / F / IM DesktopOK_x64.exe / T"
use, the program is closed, but the save process named "» DesktopOK_Exit «" does not take place.
It should be something with task program exit + parameters ?? In the console, the text should be similar.
Please use ►► program aguments in Desktop OK
Task-Kill Kills the program and does not send a program terminate command!
Described here: ►► Use Taskkill correctly and sensibly with the Cmd.exe with examples
3.) Advantages and disadvantages of loading the desktop layout via the command line!
Loading the desktop layout using DesktopOK from the command line has both advantages and disadvantages:Advantages:
1. Automation:
Using the command line, desktop layouts can be loaded automatically, which is particularly useful if you need to switch between different layouts regularly or want to do this on a specific schedule.
2. Speed:
Loading the desktop layout from the command line can be faster than loading it manually from the UI because it is done directly and without additional user input.
3. Scriptability:
Using the command line allows DesktopOK functionality to be integrated into scripts or automated workflows, which can increase efficiency and flexibility.
1. Learning Curve:
Using the command line may require some learning curve, especially for users who are unfamiliar with command line syntax. This can be time-consuming at first.
2. Error susceptibility:
When entering commands manually, there is a possibility of typos or incorrect parameters, which can lead to errors or unexpected behavior.
3. Limited UI:
Unlike using the DesktopOK UI from the command line, you may have limited visibility and control over the loading process as it occurs in the background.
Overall, using the command line to load the desktop layout with DesktopOK can provide many benefits, especially in terms of automation and efficiency, but may require some time and effort to get used to and avoid potential errors.
Overall, using the command line to load the desktop layout with DesktopOK can provide many benefits, especially in terms of automation and efficiency, but may require some time and effort to get used to and avoid potential errors.

4.) Pitfalls when loading and saving the desktop layout via the command line!
There are a few potential pitfalls to be aware of when loading the desktop layout from the command line using DesktopOK:1. Incorrect command syntax:
A common danger is incorrect use of command syntax. These can include typos, incorrect parameters, or missing quotation marks around paths with spaces. It is important to use the exact syntax according to the program documentation.
2. Unexpected behavior:
Incorrect use of command line parameters or specifying incorrect file paths can result in unexpected behavior. This can cause the layout to not load properly or even lead to errors.
3. Permission issues:
Depending on where the files you want to load are located, you may encounter permission issues. For example, if the command accesses files in a protected system folder, administrative privileges may be required.
4. Compatibility Issues:
Command line options may vary depending on the version of DesktopOK. It's important to make sure the version you're using supports the options you want, especially if you're creating scripts or automated workflows that rely on specific features.
5. Lack of feedback:
Since desktop layout loading occurs via the command line in the background, it can be difficult to get immediate feedback or error messages if something goes wrong. This can make troubleshooting difficult, especially if the script or command is used in an automated process.
To minimize these pitfalls, it is important to carefully review the command syntax, ensure that all necessary permissions are present, and run tests to ensure that the desired behavior is achieved.
To minimize these pitfalls, it is important to carefully review the command syntax, ensure that all necessary permissions are present, and run tests to ensure that the desired behavior is achieved.

FAQ 4: Updated on: 17 April 2024 13:02