You can deactivate the Windows 10/11 User Account Control at any time if you do not need the User-Account-Control!
Windows-R keyboard shortcut, then use the Command: MsConfig and open Tab Tools
Now change the option UAC settings about the Launch button (... see Image-1)
You must be signed in as an Win 10 administrator to be able to change UAC settings. To helps prevent from malware from damaging a Computer and helps in office deploy a better managed desktop.
The solution for activating and changing the sounds via the sound scheme in Windows-10 and Win 11 Everyone knows the Audio Devices, Sound and Playback in
Add Windows 10 gadgets with the freeware 8GadgetPackSetup Windows 10/11, the solution is quite simple The copying of the gadgets mini tools from Windows
It is easy to deactivate or re-enable the so-called flight mode in Microsoft Windows 10 or Windows 11 Heres a simple solution on how to enable and disable
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