| | | 26. Does this app work on ARM64 or Snapdragon X Elite CPUs? | | | 25. Be my patron on Software OK! | | | 24. Donate via PayPal Problem, why? | | | 23. The portable versions on SoftwareOK !? | | | 22. Why does Quad Explorer for MS OS need to be updated so often? | | | 21. Windows desktop clock programs! | | | 20. Can you make money with freeware? | | | 19. The last freeware author / programmer on the German network? | | | 18. I get a lot of emails regarding program expansion! | | | 17. Would you please put file dates in your file descriptions? | | | 16. The difference between software for free and freeware? | | | 15. So don't be afraid of AI, they grope in the dark and speak of AI! | | | 14. What else will there be in freeware, what is planned! | | | 13. Why should I donate, Donations are done by so many other users, or? | | | 12. Various program / tool requests for Windows! | | | 11. Only a few programs, Nenad? | | | 10. Portable rules from 2018, Windows 10, 8.1, 7! | | | 9. Windows protected your PC on MS Desktops, Server and Mobile? | | | 8. Save state and Settings Problem? | | | 7. It always comes back to virus and Trojan messages, why? | | | 6. Exclude a Folder in Windows 10 Defender! | | | 5. Are the full versions of Software freeware on SoftwareOK? | | | 4. Unicode on (x64) 64-Bit or x32/x86 (32-Bit)? | | | 3. In which programming language is the freeware written? | | | 2. When Unicode version and when Ansi version? | | | 1. What is Micro-Staff? | | | | |
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