► What registry changes are necessary to shorten the startup time in Windows? ◄
► Enter emoji using the touch keyboard (on-screen keyboard) on Windows 10/11! ◄
► Download Free Files Safely Erase Tool on Windows 11, 10, ...! ◄
► Windows 10 app deny microphone access, but how! ◄
► Activate / deactivate the TelNet client under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...! ◄
► Difference between computer management and file management! ◄
► Free text reading tool for Windows 11, 10, ...! ◄
► Selecting only one line in the Windows Word document! ◄
► desk.cpl ,,5. in Windows 10 / 11! ◄
► Calibrate joystick / game controller under Windows 11, 10, 8.1, ...! ◄